Water Softeners

About 85% of all American households have hard water, as reported by the U.S. Geological Survey. This is a pretty large percentage, and hence, every home should take the necessary steps to eliminate hardness from water by removing the minerals that cause them.

Hard water is aptly named because it carries minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These minerals can have a harsh effect on our hair and skin and our clothes, dishes, and plumbing systems. The harder your water is, and the more film and buildup you are likely to experience.

However, the solution to the hard water problem lies in water softeners. Let’s take a look at what are water softeners and how they can help remove the dissolved calcium and magnesium salts from water that cause the hardness.

What Are Water Softeners and How Do They Work?

Also known as ion exchange units, home water softeners are machines that remove magnesium and calcium from the water. These softeners contain resin beads that trap calcium and magnesium and replace them with valuable minerals such as potassium and sodium. Once the resin beads become full of magnesium and calcium, a highly-concentrated solution removes these minerals from the beads. After passing through the beads, the resulting chloride solution becomes a waste stream that goes down the drain.

Who Needs Water Softeners?

Water softeners can be lifesavers for homeowners that are troubled with the continuous hard water supply. However, there is no requirement by the law to soften your water. The decision is a personal choice. If your water’s hardness is more than 7 grains per gallon, you should get a water softener so that your appliances run correctly and the cleaning efficiency, smell and look of your water supply improve.

Benefits of Water Softeners

1. Brighter and Softer Clothes

Washing clothes in minerals can leave deposits. After some time, the minerals will cause the colors to fade. Hard water can sometimes also cause stains, especially on white clothes. On the other hand, soft water dissolves into clothes easily and cleans them more effectively. Since soft water dissolves detergent more effectively, you can use less detergent and might not need fabric softeners at all.

2. Cleaner Hair and Softer Skin

Soft water can be extremely beneficial for your hair and skin. The mineral ions in hard water prevent it from being utterly soluble with soaps. Since soft water does not contain these minerals, homeowners with a water softener can reap the benefits of a deeper lather while bathing or showering.

3. Money Saving

One of the most significant benefits of water softeners is that they help save money. Soft water does not contain minerals that cause buildup in appliances and pipes. This saves the cost of monthly repair bills. The mineral buildup in a pipe narrows the water’s area, which requires a higher pump pressure. The buildup also increases the amount of energy needed to keep water hot or cold, again rising costs.

4. Cleaner Dishes

No matter how many times you clean your dishes or the soaps or detergents you use, your glass and silverware are left with a cloudy appearance as soon as they dry. A water softener solves this problem, removing the minerals before they can build up on the dishes. Soft water dissolves with soaps and detergent more thoroughly, providing more lather and cleaning action.

Call JVS Plumbing Co. Today for Your Water Softener Needs!

To get a water softening system installed in your home, get in touch with JVS Plumbing Co. today. We have a team of trained technicians, licensed plumbers, and knowledgeable staff that can suggest and install the best water softening systems for you. Call us on (847) 702-2111 to learn more about the benefits of water softeners. You can also request a quote via our website and book your appointment.