Selecting a new water heater doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It all comes down to the right combination of cost, space, and energy efficiency. The two most common types of water heaters are conventional and tankless. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Conventional Water Heaters
Biggest pro: Less expensive initially
Biggest con: Limited supply of hot water at any given time
Conventional because they have been around for much longer, this type of water heater can be a good choice. They come in a range of sizes and support a variety of different fuel types. Since the fuel type is likely already decided for you based on what is available in your home, the biggest decision to make when selecting conventional water heaters is the size of the tank. This will determine the amount of hot water you will have available at any given time. The downside to a conventional water heater is that when the tank is empty, it takes time for a new round of hot water to be available. Click here to learn more >>
Tankless Water Heaters
Biggest pro: Unlimited hot water
Biggest con: Can be initially more expensive depending on your needs
Tankless water heaters work by providing hot water on the fly. As the was flows through the tankless heater, the water is super-heated using the available fuel supply. The limitation here is the amount of hot water needed at any given time. Most tankless hot water heaters will give examples of what they can handle. For instance, one may tell you that it can run one major appliance (like a dishwasher) and a shower at the same time. The larger the heater, the more water it can heat at once. The cost savings come in because water is only heated as you need it. When you are not using the hot water, there is no tank of hot water that has to be kept hot. This can be much more efficient, and use far less fuel over time. Click here to learn more >>